Choosing a builder

You have the designs in place. Now you need to find the right builder to turn your plans into reality. Here’s our Top Tips for choosing a builder:

1. Ask friends/family for referrals/recommendations

2. Ask the builder questions –

How low have they been trading? What experience do they have with the type of work that you need doing?

3. Do you like their communication style and response time? Are they transparent, open and happy to answer questions?

Choosing A Builder

Meeting some builders super-early in the process is key to getting the result that you want at the end.

4. Do some background research – If the builder claims to be a member of a trade association, contact the trade association and check that this is true. Ask for references and contact the people that provided them to check that they are accurate

5. Is the builder registered with a competent person scheme?

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6. Is the builder insured?

They should have cover to protect themselves against property damage and personal and public liability to protect you and the general public in the event of an accident or injury. For expert advise on this and any other insurance exposures, please contact Gary Philip at GPS Insurance Brokers on 020 8207 7385. GPS Insurance

7. When asking for quotations/discussing job details get as much detail as possible in writing

8. Can the builder offer a guarantee?

9. Does the builder ask for payment upfront or a cash deposit? This shouldn’t be needed unless you request specialist building materials or the job is likely to take a long time to complete

10. Does the builder provide a formal, detailed contract? Your contract should outline what work is to be done, start/completion dates, security, safety, the cost of the work and materials, payment plans, catering and lavatory arrangements, hours of work, cleaning up and disposal of waste materials

After decades in the construction industry, Yoop Architects have worked with some great builders and can help you find someone who you can trust with your home. Go ahead and book a free call below to find out how Yoop can help you create your dream extension.


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